IT Department

The impending of Covid 19 has led to a tremendous change around the globe on how things are done hence making technology even more important than ever before. Due to this revolution, organization have embarked on onlinisation of processes and services to ensure continuity of functions even during lockdown. Like many other countries around the globe, Uganda is one of those that has been badly hit by the pandemic leading to lockdown of many facilities including education, transport, and posing many other restrictions to contain and manage Covid 19.
However, despite all measures done, the president lifted the lockdown and some of the limitation were lighted up for example education opened to only candidate classes as they obey SOP’s. With this, most education institutions have embarked to online learning and the core of this is onlinization and digitization of learning content. Digitalization of learning is a way to skip geographical barriers as it opens up to international audiences without traveling costs and without the logistics of having to gather in the same place. Digitization of content includes recording or converting and storing original resources.
• A huge potential for digitization and innovation will add value to society and contribute to public health, the environment and biodiversity.
• A successful digital transformation will involve empowering people to work in new ways, including reskilling and upskilling.
• There is a clear hope in cross-sector collaboration and it will play a pivotal role in allowing us to ‘build-back better’ from the current crisis.
• Define a few contents to digitize, experts advise to start small in order to reach far. Trainers must start with a few topics for the students to learn and assess them.
• Ensure a timely feedback. Yes, it is hard to always be online but this has been addressed in many online learning platforms, in such a way that trainers can receive notifications on their email or phone if they want in order to keep track.
• Empower colleagues. I agree new technology can be sometimes hard to navigate alone, but that does not mean there are no success stories to it. Heads of departments and deans must show their employees that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
• Train and re-train. Mhatma Gandhi said learning is a continuous process, therefor to ensure that digitization is taken up, trainers must devote themselves to continuous practice on the available eLearning platform.
Makerere University College of Health Sciences through the HEPI Initiative and IT Department
Faculty Trained 80%
Course shells created 70%
Students Trained 95%
Content Uploaded 50%

Practical skills trained to lectures

Navigation to MUELE
Navigating the Dashboard
Turn on the editing feature
Add a file, quiz & assignment
Enrolling or unenrolling a participant
Adding or removing an enrollment method
Add a book, forum, chat and a web link
The IT department more than ever has supported students and staff in the creation of MUELE accounts and also enroll for various courses that they were admitted for.

What you have to do to keep yourself safe while digitization

Sanitize often before and after using your digital device (laptop or mobile phone)

Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands

Always use online tools to plan meetings 

Use a strong password and keep it by your self

Give timely feedback to your participants or students

MUELE Onlinisation

In order to support lecturers in digitizing their courses, Salome Inapat through the MUELE team have designed a short course which includes steps to a successful building of an online course including modules and it is located at MUELE: Onlinisation and tips for designing online courses